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FTC Bureau of Economics Working Papers are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The analyses and conclusions set forth are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of other members of the Bureau of Economics, other Commission staff, or the Commission itself. References in publications to FTC Bureau of Economics Working Papers by FTC economists (other than acknowledgment by a writer that he has access to such unpublished materials) should be cleared with the author to protect the tentative character of these papers.

Working Papers are in PDF format. If you have trouble accessing one of these papers, please email ReportRequests@ftc.gov.

Slow Market Adjustment to Tax Changes: Evidence from the Market for Used Wide-body Commercial Aircraft

Loren K. Smith
Working Paper
Published In
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy

PUBLISHED AS: New Market Policy Effects on Used Markets: Theory and Evidence

Investment tax credits are generally implemented to stimulate investment in new goods. However, in the case of durable goods

Hospital Competition and Charity Care

Christopher Garmon
Working Paper
Published In
Forum for Health Economics and Policy

This paper explores the relationship between competition and hospital charity care by analyzing changes in charity care associated with changes in a hospital’s competitive environment (due to mergers

Technological Tying

Daniel E. Gaynor
Working Paper
This paper explores a firm's incentive to technologically tie when R&D is important and finds that technological tying increases innovation, which is an efficiency not considered in other tying models

Michigan Gasoline Pricing and the Marathon - Ashland and Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Transaction

John Simpson and Christopher T. Taylor
Working Paper
Published In
Journal of Law and Economics

PUBLISHED AS: Do Gasoline Mergers Affect Consumers' Prices?  The Marathon-Ashland and UDS Transaction

Marathon-Ashland Petroleum’s (MAP) 1999 acquisition of the Michigan assets of Ultramar Diamond

A Variance Screen For Collusion

Rosa M. Abrantes-Metz, Luke M. Froeb, John F. Geweke, Christopher T. Taylor
Working Paper
Published In
International Journal of Industrial Organization

In this paper, we examine price movements over time around the collapse of a bid-rigging conspiracy. While the mean decreased by sixteen percent, the standard deviation increased by over two hundred

Identifying Demand in EBay Auctions

Christopher P. Adams
Working Paper
Published In
International Journal of Industrial Organization

PUBLISHED AS: Estimating Demand from eBay Prices

This paper presents assumptions and identification results for eBay type auctions. These results are for private value auctions covering three major

The Economic Effects of the Marathon - Ashland Joint Venture: The Importance of Industry Supply Shocks and Vertical Market Structure

Christopher T. Taylor, Daniel S. Hosken
Working Paper
Published In
Journal of Industrial Economics

This study measures the retail and wholesale price effects in Louisville, Kentucky resulting from the Marathon/Ashland (MAP) joint venture. MAP was an early transaction in the recent era of petroleum