

Timothy J. Muris, Chairman
Sheila F. Anthony
Mozelle W. Thompson
Orson Swindle
Thomas B. Leary

In the Matter of:

Chevron Corporation, a corporation, and
Texaco Inc., a corporation.

Docket No. C-4023


The Â鶹´«Ã½ Trade Commission ("Commission") having initiated an investigation of the proposed merger (the "Merger") of Respondent Chevron Corporation ("Chevron") and Respondent Texaco Inc. ("Texaco"), and Respondents having been furnished thereafter with a draft of Complaint that the Bureau of Competition proposed to present to the Commission for its consideration and that, if issued by the Commission, would charge Respondents with violations of Section 5 of the Â鶹´«Ã½ Trade Commission Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § 45, and Section 7 of the Clayton Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. § 18; and

Respondents, their attorneys, and counsel for the Commission having thereafter executed an Agreement Containing Consent Orders ("Consent Agreement") containing an admission by Respondents of all the jurisdictional facts set forth in the aforesaid draft of Complaint, a statement that the signing of the Consent Agreement is for settlement purposes only and does not constitute an admission by Respondents that the law has been violated as alleged in such Complaint, or that the facts as alleged in such Complaint, other than jurisdictional facts, are true, and waivers and other provisions as required by the Commission's Rules; and

The Commission having thereafter considered the matter and having determined that it had reason to believe that Respondents have violated said Acts, and that a Complaint should issue stating its charges in that respect, and having determined to accept the executed Consent Agreement and to place such Consent Agreement containing the Decision and Order on the public record for a period of thirty (30) days for the receipt and consideration of public comments, now in further conformity with the procedure described in Commission Rule 2.34, 16 C.F.R. § 2.34, the Commission hereby issues its Complaint, makes the following jurisdictional findings and issues this Order to Hold Separate and Maintain Assets ("Hold Separate Order"):

1. Respondent Chevron is a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Delaware, with its office and principal place of business located at 575 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105.
2. Respondent Texaco is a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Delaware, with its office and principal place of business located at 2000 Westchester Ave., White Plains, NY 10650.
3. The Â鶹´«Ã½ Trade Commission has jurisdiction of the subject matter of this proceeding and of Respondents, and the proceeding is in the public interest.



IT IS ORDERED that, as used in this Hold Separate Order, the following definitions shall apply:

A. "Chevron" means Chevron Corporation, its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, predecessors, successors, and assigns; its joint ventures, subsidiaries, divisions, groups, and affiliates controlled by Chevron, and the respective directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns of each.
B. "Texaco" means Texaco Inc., its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, predecessors, successors, and assigns; its joint ventures, subsidiaries, divisions, groups, and affiliates controlled by Texaco, and the respective directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, successors, and assigns of each.
C. "Agreement Containing Consent Orders" means the agreement executed by Respondents in this matter containing the Decision and Order and this Hold Separate Order.

D. "Avfuel" means Avfuel Corporation, a corporation organized, existing and doing business under and by virtue of the laws of the state of Michigan, with its office and principal place of business located at 47 West Ellsworth, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108.

E. "Aviation Fuel" means Aviation Gasoline and Jet Fuel.

F. "Aviation Fuel Divestiture Agreement" means all agreements entered into between Respondents and AvFuel relating to the sale of Texaco's Overlap General Aviation Business Assets, including but not limited to the Purchase and Sale Agreement, the Trademark License Agreement, all supply agreements, and all other ancillary agreements, dated August 7, 2001, and attached as Confidential Appendix B to the Decision and Order.

G. "Aviation Overlap State" means each of the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, and Washington.
H. "Decision and Order" means the Decision and Order contained in the Agreement Containing Consent Orders accepted by the Commission in this matter.

I. "Disclose" means to convey by any means or otherwise make available information to any person or persons.

J. "Discovery System" means Discovery Producer Services LLC, and all of its assets, including but not limited to Discovery Gas Transmission LLC and all of its assets, and including all pipelines of the system that transport natural gas offshore of Louisiana and onshore to the processing plant at LaRose, Louisiana; the processing plant at Larose, Louisiana; all pipelines that transport natural gas between the processing plant and natural gas transmission pipelines; all pipelines that transport raw mix between the processing plant and the fractionating plant at Paradis, Louisiana; the fractionating plant at Paradis, Louisiana; and equipment including but not limited to condensate stabilization facilities and pumping stations.
K. "Divestiture Trustee" means a trustee appointed pursuant to Paragraph III.B. of the Decision and Order with the obligation to divest TRMI and/or TRMI East.
L. "Enterprise Fractionating Plant" means the fractionating plant at Mont Belvieu, Texas, operated by Enterprise Products Company and partially owned by Texaco.
M. "Equilon" means Equilon Enterprises LLC, a joint venture formed pursuant to the Equilon LLC Agreement.
N. "Equilon Interest" means all of the ownership interests in Equilon owned directly or indirectly by Texaco, including the interests owned by TRMI and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Texaco Convent Refining Inc. and Texaco Anacortes Cogeneration Company.
O. "Equilon LLC Agreement" means the Limited Liability Company Agreement of Equilon Enterprises LLC dated as of January 15, 1998 among certain subsidiaries of Shell and Texaco, as amended.
P. "Held Separate Business" means all of Respondents' interests and assets comprising the Trust, as defined and described in the Decision and Order, immediately before rescission of the Trust, including but not limited to TRMI and TRMI East to the extent they are assets of the Trust at such time.
Q. "Hold Separate Operating Trustees" means the same person as each of the Operating Trustees or any replacement Operating Trustees.
R. "Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee" means the same person as the Divestiture Trustee or any replacement Divestiture Trustee.
S. "Hold Separate Agreement" means the agreement between and among Respondents and the Hold Separate Operating Trustees and the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee to effectuate the divestitures required by Paragraph II. of the Decision and Order, substantially similar to the Trust Agreement, and subject to the prior approval of the Commission.
T. "Hold Separate Period" means, if the Trust is rescinded, unwound, dissolved, or otherwise terminated at a time after the Merger but before Respondents have complied with Paragraph II.A. of the Decision and Order, the period beginning on the Rescission Date and lasting until the business day after the divestitures required by the Decision and Order in this matter have been accomplished and Respondents have so notified the Commission.
U. "JV Agreements" means the Equilon LLC Agreement and the Motiva LLC Agreement.
V. "Merger" means any merger between Respondents, including the proposed merger contemplated by the Agreement and Plan of Merger dated October 15, 2000, as amended, among Respondents and Keepep Inc.
W. "Motiva" means Motiva Enterprises LLC, a joint venture formed pursuant to the Motiva LLC Agreement.
X. "Motiva Interest" means all of the ownership interests in Motiva owned directly or indirectly by Texaco, including the interest owned by TRMI East.
Y. "Motiva LLC Agreement" means the Limited Liability Company Agreement of Motiva Enterprises LLC dated as of July 1, 1998, among Shell, Shell Norco Refining Company, SRI and TRMI East.
Z. "Non-Public Equilon Or Motiva Information" means any information not in the public domain relating to Equilon or Motiva.
AA. "Non-Public Discovery System Information" means any information not in the public domain relating to the Discovery System, including but not limited to information pertaining to the Relevant OCS Area Disclosed by customers or potential customers to employees or representatives of the Discovery System. Non-Public Discovery System Information shall not include information that was publicly available prior to the date this Hold Separate Order is signed by Respondents or that is thereafter Disclosed to Respondents without any violation of this Hold Separate Order by Respondents or violation of law by or known to Respondents.
BB. "Non-Public Venice System Information" means any information not in the public domain relating to the Venice System, including but not limited to information pertaining to the Relevant OCS Area Disclosed by customers or potential customers to employees or representatives of the Venice System. Non-Public Venice System Information shall not include information that was publicly available prior to the date this Hold Separate Order is signed by Respondents or that is thereafter Disclosed to Respondents without any violation of this Hold Separate Order by Respondents or violation of law by or known to Respondents.
CC. "Operating Trustee" means each trustee appointed pursuant to Paragraph III.O. of the Decision and Order with the obligation to manage TRMI and/or TRMI East pursuant to the Decision and Order.
DD. "Rescission Date" means the date on which the Trust was rescinded, unwound, dissolved, or otherwise terminated, if such rescission, unwinding, dissolution, or termination occurs.
EE. "Respondents" means Chevron and Texaco, individually and collectively, and any successors.
FF. "Shell" means Shell Oil Company, a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of business located at One Shell Plaza, Houston, Texas 77002, its parents, and its subsidiaries controlled by Shell.
GG. "SRI" means Saudi Refining, Inc., a Delaware corporation, with its principal place of business located at 9009 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77210, its parents, and its subsidiaries controlled by SRI.
HH. "Texaco's Domestic General Aviation Business" means the supply, distribution, marketing, transportation, and sale of Aviation Fuel by Texaco on a direct or distributor basis to customers (other than commercial airlines and military) in the United States (including the Aviation Overlap States), including but not limited to fixed base operators, airport dealers, distributors, jobbers, resellers, brokers, corporate accounts, or consumers

II. "Texaco's Domestic General Aviation Business Assets" means all assets, tangible or intangible, relating to Texaco's Domestic General Aviation Business in the United States, including but not limited to all General Aviation Business Agreements used in or relating to Texaco's Domestic General Aviation Business.
JJ. "Texaco's Overlap General Aviation Business" means the supply, distribution, marketing, transportation, and sale of Aviation Fuel by Texaco on a direct or distributor basis to customers (other than commercial airlines and military) in the Aviation Overlap States, including but not limited to fixed base operators, airport dealers, distributors, jobbers, resellers, brokers, corporate accounts, or consumers, but excluding the assets and agreements set forth in Schedule 2.3(c) of the Aviation Fuel Divestiture Agreement.

KK. "Texaco's Overlap General Aviation Business Assets" means all assets, tangible or intangible, relating to Texaco's Overlap General Aviation Business, including but not limited to all General Aviation Business Agreements used in or relating to Texaco's Overlap General Aviation Business, but excluding the assets and agreements set forth in Schedule 2.3(c) of the Aviation Fuel Divestiture Agreement.
LL. "TRMI" means Texaco Refining and Marketing Inc., a Delaware corporation and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Texaco, and its subsidiary, Texaco Convent Refining Inc., and Texaco's interest in all other subsidiaries, divisions, groups, joint ventures, or affiliates of Texaco that own or control any ownership interest in Equilon.
MM. "TRMI East" means Texaco Refining and Marketing (East) Inc., a Delaware corporation and an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Texaco, and Texaco's interest in all other subsidiaries, divisions, groups, joint ventures, or affiliates of Texaco that own or control any ownership interest in Motiva.
NN. "Trust" means the trust established by the Trust Agreement as required by the Decision and Order.
OO. "Trust Agreement" means the Agreement and Declaration of Trust approved by the Commission and attached as Appendix A to the Decision and Order.
PP. "Venice System" means Venice Energy Services Company, L.L.C., and all of its assets, including but not limited to (i) natural gas processing, fractionation and natural gas liquids storage and terminaling facilities at the Venice Complex (as that term is defined in the Second Amended and Restated Limited Liability Company Agreement of Venice Energy Services Company, L.L.C.), (ii) onshore and offshore natural gas pipelines upstream from the Venice Complex, known as the Venice Gathering System, (iii) compression, separation, dehydration, and residue gas and liquid gas handling facilities at or associated with the Venice Complex (excluding any residue gas pipelines and metering facilities owned by the downstream pipelines), and (iv) natural gas liquids facilities (excluding natural gas liquids pipelines downstream from the Venice Complex) related to such processing, fractionation, storage and termination facilities.



A. Pending divestiture of Texaco's interest in the Discovery System, Respondents shall vote Texaco's interest in the Discovery System in accordance with the majority of votes cast by its other owners so long as Texaco's rights and obligations arising from the vote are commensurate with Texaco's ownership interest in the Discovery System.
B. Pending divestiture of Texaco's interest in the Enterprise Fractionating Plant, Respondents shall vote Texaco's interest in the Enterprise Fractionating Plant in accordance with the majority of votes cast by its other owners, so long as Texaco's rights and obligations arising from the vote are commensurate with Texaco's ownership interest in the Enterprise Fractionating Plant.
C. From the date Respondents sign the Consent Agreement in this matter until the divestiture required by Paragraph V. of the Decision and Order has been completed or the Commission determines that no further relief pursuant to Paragraph V. of the Decision and Order is necessary, Respondents shall not Disclose any Non-Public Discovery System Information to (1) any employee of Respondents who receives any Non-Public Venice System Information, (2) any employees of the Venice System, or (3) any employees of any other owner of the Venice System.
D. From the date Respondents sign the Consent Agreement in this matter until the divestiture required by Paragraph V. of the Decision and Order has been completed or the Commission determines that no further relief pursuant to Paragraph V. of the Decision and Order is necessary, Respondents shall not Disclose any Non-Public Venice System Information to (1) any employee of Respondents who receives any Non-Public Discovery System Information, (2) any employees of the Discovery System, or (3) any employees of any other owner of the Discovery System.
E. Respondents shall take all steps to ensure that if, contrary to the requirements of Paragraph II.C. of this Hold Separate Order, Respondent employees who receive any Non-Public Venice System Information receive any Non-Public Discovery System Information during the time period described in Paragraph II.C., they will not use such information for any purpose.
F. Respondents shall take all steps to ensure that if, contrary to the requirements of Paragraph II.D. of this Hold Separate Order, Respondent employees who receive any Non-Public Discovery Information, receive any Non-Public Venice System Information during the time period described in Paragraph II.D., they will not use such information for any purpose.



A. During the Hold Separate Period, Respondents shall hold the Held Separate Business separate, apart, and independent as required by this Hold Separate Order and shall not exercise direction or control over, or influence directly or indirectly, the Held Separate Business or any of its operations, or the Hold Separate Operating Trustees, except to the extent that Respondents must exercise direction and control over the Held Separate Business to assure compliance with this Hold Separate Order, or with the Decision and Order issued in this matter, and except as otherwise provided in this Hold Separate Order or the Decision and Order, and shall vest the Held Separate Business with all rights, powers, and authority necessary to conduct its business.
B. The purpose of this paragraph of this Hold Separate Order is, in the event that the Trust is rescinded, unwound, dissolved, or otherwise terminated at any time after the Merger but before Respondents have complied with Paragraph II.A of the Decision and Order, to: (i) preserve the Held Separate Business, including TRMI and TRMI East, as viable, competitive, and ongoing businesses independent of Respondents until the divestitures required by the Decision and Order have been accomplished; (ii) prevent interim harm to competition pending the relevant divestitures; and (iii) help remedy any anticompetitive effects of the proposed Merger.
C. Respondent shall hold the Held Separate Business separate, apart, and independent on the following terms and conditions:
1. No later than two (2) business days after the Rescission Date, Respondents shall agree to the appointment of Robert A. Falise as Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee and enter into an agreement substantially similar to the Trust Agreement, subject to the prior approval of the Commission, that transfers to the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee the sole and exclusive power and authority to divest TRMI and/or TRMI East or to divest the Equilon Interest to Shell and/or the Motiva Interest to Shell and/or SRI, consistent with the terms of Paragraph II. of the Decision and Order and subject to the prior approval of the Commission as set forth in such Decision and Order. After such transfer, the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall have the sole and exclusive power and authority to divest such assets or interests, subject to the prior approval of the Commission as set forth in such Decision and Order, and the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall exercise such power and authority and carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee in a manner consistent with the purposes of this Hold Separate Order in consultation with the Commission's staff.
2. The Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall have eight (8) months from the Merger Date and such additional time as is provided pursuant to Paragraph XIII. of the Decision and Order to accomplish the divestitures required by Paragraph II. of the Decision and Order, which shall be subject to the prior approval of the Commission as set forth in the Decision and Order. If, however, at the end of this period, the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee has submitted a plan of divestiture or believes that divestiture can be achieved within a reasonable time, the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee's divestiture period may be extended by the Commission. An extension of time by the Commission under this subparagraph shall not preclude the Commission from seeking any relief available to it for any failure by Respondents to divest the Equilon Interest or TRMI and/or the Motiva Interest or TRMI East consistent with the requirements of Paragraph II of the Decision and Order.
3. If, on or prior to the Rescission Date, Respondents have executed but have not consummated an agreement or agreements to divest the Equilon Interest to Shell and/or the Motiva Interest to Shell and/or SRI, then Respondents shall, no later than the Rescission Date, grant sole and exclusive authority to the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee to consummate any divestiture contemplated thereby subject to the Commission's prior approval as set forth in the Decision and Order.
4. The Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall divest the Equilon Interest to Shell and/or the Motiva Interest to Shell and/or SRI, in a manner that receives the prior approval of the Commission, pursuant to the terms of the applicable agreement or agreements approved by the Commission, if either (a) Respondents have executed an agreement or agreements with Shell and/or SRI with respect to such divestiture or divestitures prior to the Rescission Date, and such agreement or agreements have been approved by the Commission and have not been breached by Shell and/or SRI; or (b) Shell has exercised its right to acquire the Equilon Interest pursuant to the Equilon LLC Agreement and/or Shell and/or SRI have exercised their rights to acquire the Motiva Interest pursuant to the Motiva LLC Agreement.
5. Subject to Respondents' absolute and unconditional obligation to divest expeditiously at no minimum price, the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall use his or her best efforts to negotiate the most favorable price and terms available for the divestiture of (a) TRMI, if the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee has not divested the Equilon Interest pursuant to subparagraph 4 of this paragraph, and/or (b) TRMI East, if the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee has not divested all or part of the Motiva Interest pursuant to subparagraph 4 of this paragraph. Each divestiture shall be made only in a manner that receives the prior approval of the Commission, and, unless the acquirers are Shell and/or SRI, the divestiture shall be made only to an acquirer or acquirers that receive the prior approval of the Commission; provided, however, if the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee receives bona fide offers from more than one acquiring entity, and if the Commission determines to approve more than one such acquiring entity, the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall divest to the acquiring entity or entities selected by Respondents from among those approved by the Commission; provided further, however, that Respondents shall select such entity within five (5) days of receiving notification of the Commission's approval.
6. The Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall have full and complete access to all personnel, books, records, documents, and facilities of Respondents, TRMI and TRMI East, as needed to fulfill the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee's obligations, or to any other relevant information, as the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee may reasonably request, including but not limited to all documents and records kept in the normal course of business that relate to Respondents' obligations under this Hold Separate Order and the Decision and Order. Respondents or the Hold Separate Operating Trustees, as appropriate, shall develop such financial or other information as the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee may reasonably request and shall cooperate with the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee. Respondents shall take no action to interfere with or impede the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee's ability to perform his or her responsibilities.
7. The Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall serve, without bond or other security, at the cost and expense of Respondents, on such reasonable and customary terms and conditions as the Commission may set. The Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall have the authority to employ, at the cost and expense of Respondents, such financial advisors, consultants, accountants, attorneys, and other representatives and assistants as are reasonably necessary to carry out the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee's duties and responsibilities.
8. Respondents shall indemnify the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee and hold the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee harmless against any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee's duties, including all reasonable fees of counsel and other expenses incurred in connection with the preparation for, or defense of any claim, whether or not resulting in any liability, except to the extent that such liabilities, losses, damages, claims, or expenses result from misfeasance, gross negligence, willful or wanton acts, or bad faith by the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee.
9. The Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall account for all monies derived from the sale and all expenses incurred, subject to the approval of the Commission. After approval by the Commission of the account of the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee, all remaining monies shall be paid as directed in the Hold Separate Agreement, and the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee's powers shall be terminated.
10. The Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall report in writing to the Commission thirty (30) days after appointment and every thirty (30) days thereafter concerning the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee's efforts to accomplish the requirements of this Hold Separate Order and the Decision and Order until such time as the divestitures required by Paragraph II. of the Decision and Order have been accomplished and Respondents have notified the Commission that the divestitures have been accomplished.
11. If, for any reason, Robert A. Falise cannot serve or cannot continue to serve as Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee, or fails to act diligently, the Commission shall select a replacement Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee, subject to the consent of Respondents, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Respondents have not opposed, in writing, including the reasons for opposing, the selection of any replacement Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee within ten (10) days after notice by the staff of the Commission to Respondents of the identity of any proposed replacement Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee, Respondents shall be deemed to have consented to the selection of the proposed replacement Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee. The replacement Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee shall be a person with experience and expertise in acquisitions and divestitures.
12. The Commission may on its own initiative or at the request of the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee issue such additional orders or directions as may be necessary or appropriate to assure compliance with the requirements of this Hold Separate Order or the Decision and Order.
13. No later than two (2) business days after the Rescission Date, Respondents shall agree to the appointment of Joe B. Foster as Hold Separate Operating Trustee of TRMI (with respect to the Equilon Interest) and John Linehan as Hold Separate Operating Trustee of TRMI East (with respect to the Motiva Interest) and enter into a Hold Separate Agreement substantially similar to the Trust Agreement, subject to the prior approval of the Commission, that transfers to the Hold Separate Operating Trustees sole and exclusive power and authority to manage TRMI and/or TRMI East (as the case may be).
14. The Hold Separate Operating Trustees shall have sole and exclusive power and authority to manage TRMI and/or TRMI East (as the case may be), as set forth in the Hold Separate Agreement and specifically to cause TRMI and TRMI East respectively to exercise the rights of TRMI and TRMI East under the Equilon and Motiva LLC Agreements. Each Hold Separate Operating Trustee may engage in any other activity such Hold Separate Operating Trustee may deem reasonably necessary, advisable, convenient or incidental in connection therewith and shall exercise such power and authority and carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Hold Separate Operating Trustee in a manner consistent with the purposes of this Hold Separate Order and the Decision and Order in consultation with the Commission's staff.
15. Each Hold Separate Operating Trustee shall have full and complete access to all personnel, books, records, documents, and facilities of TRMI and/or TRMI East as needed to fulfill such Hold Separate Operating Trustee's obligations, or to any other relevant information, as such Hold Separate Operating Trustees may reasonably request, including but not limited to all documents and records kept in the normal course of business that relate to Respondents' obligations under this Hold Separate Order and the Decision and Order. Respondents shall develop such financial or other information as such Hold Separate Operating Trustees may reasonably request and shall cooperate with the Hold Separate Operating Trustees. Respondents shall take no action to interfere with or impede the Hold Separate Operating Trustees' ability to perform his or her responsibilities.
16. The Hold Separate Operating Trustees shall serve, without bond or other security, at the cost and expense of Respondents, on such reasonable and customary terms and conditions as the Commission may set. Each Hold Separate Operating Trustee shall have the authority to employ, at the cost and expense of Respondents, such consultants, accountants, attorneys, and other representatives and assistants as are reasonably necessary to carry out such Hold Separate Operating Trustee's duties and responsibilities.
17. Respondents shall indemnify each Hold Separate Operating Trustee and hold each Hold Separate Operating Trustee harmless against any losses, claims, damages, liabilities, or expenses arising out of, or in connection with, the performance of such Hold Separate Operating Trustee's duties, including all reasonable fees of counsel and other expenses incurred in connection with the preparation for, or defense of any claim, whether or not resulting in any liability, except to the extent that such liabilities, losses, damages, claims, or expenses result from misfeasance, gross negligence, willful or wanton acts, or bad faith by such Hold Separate Operating Trustee.
18. The Hold Separate Operating Trustees shall account for all expenses incurred, including fees for his or her services, subject to the approval of the Commission.
19. Each Hold Separate Operating Trustee shall report in writing to the Commission thirty (30) days after the Rescission Date and every thirty (30) days thereafter concerning the Hold Separate Operating Trustee's performance of his or her duties under this Hold Separate Order, the Decision and Order, and the Hold Separate Agreement. The Hold Separate Operating Trustees shall serve until such time as Respondents have complied with their obligation to divest TRMI and/or TRMI East as required by this Hold Separate Order and the Decision and Order, and Respondents have notified the Commission that the divestitures have been accomplished.
20. If for any reason Joe B. Foster cannot serve or cannot continue to serve as Hold Separate Operating Trustee of TRMI or John Linehan cannot serve or cannot continue to serve as Hold Separate Operating Trustee of TRMI East, or fails to act diligently, the Commission shall select a replacement Hold Separate Operating Trustee, subject to the consent of Respondents, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Respondents have not opposed, in writing, including the reasons for opposing, the selection of any replacement Hold Separate Operating Trustee within ten (10) days after notice by the staff of the Commission to Respondents of the identity of any proposed replacement Hold Separate Operating Trustee, Respondents shall be deemed to have consented to the selection of the proposed replacement Hold Separate Operating Trustee. The replacement Hold Separate Operating Trustee shall be a person with experience and expertise in the management of businesses of the type engaged in by Equilon and Motiva.
21. The Commission may on its own initiative or at the request of either Hold Separate Operating Trustee issue such additional orders or directions as may be necessary or appropriate to assure compliance with the requirements of this Hold Separate Order or the Decision and Order.
22. Except as provided herein or in the Hold Separate Agreement, neither the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee nor the Hold Separate Operating Trustees shall disclose any Non-Public Equilon or Motiva Information to an employee of Respondents.
23. Respondents may require the Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee or Hold Separate Operating Trustees to sign a confidentiality agreement prohibiting the disclosure of any information gained as a result of his or her role as Hold Separate Divestiture Trustee or Hold Separate Operating Trustee to anyone other than the Commission.
24. The purpose of this Paragraph III is to effectuate the divestitures required by Paragraph II. of the Decision and Order and to maintain operation of TRMI, TRMI East, Equilon and Motiva separate and apart from Respondents' operations pending the required divestitures.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pending divestiture of Texaco's Overlap General Aviation Business Assets (or Texaco's Domestic General Aviation Business Assets, as appropriate) pursuant to Paragraphs VII. or VIII. of the Decision and Order, Respondents shall take such actions as are necessary to maintain the viability, marketability, and competitiveness of Texaco's Domestic General Aviation Business Assets and to prevent the destruction, removal, wasting, or deterioration of Texaco's Domestic General Aviation Business Assets, except for ordinary wear and tear and as would otherwise occur in the ordinary course of business.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Respondents shall, within ten (10) days of the Rescission Date, circulate to all of Respondents' employees a copy of this Hold Separate Order and shall post a notice accessible to all employees informing employees of Respondents' obligations pursuant to this Hold Separate Order.



A. Within thirty (30) days after the Rescission Date and every sixty (60) days thereafter until Respondents have fully complied with Paragraphs II and III of the Decision and Order, Respondents shall submit to the Commission a verified written report setting forth in detail the manner and form in which they intend to comply, are complying, and have complied with those provisions. Respondents shall include in their compliance reports, among other things that are required from time to time, a full description of all contacts or negotiations with prospective acquirers for the divestitures of assets or businesses specified in this Hold Separate Order, including the identity of all parties contacted. Respondents also shall include in their compliance reports, copies of all written communications to and from such parties, and all internal memoranda, reports and recommendations concerning divestiture.
B. Within thirty (30) days after this Hold Separate Order is final, and every sixty (60) days thereafter until Respondents have fully complied with Paragraphs II. and IV. of this Hold Separate Order, Respondents shall submit to the Commission a verified written report setting forth in detail the manner and form in which they intend to comply, are complying, and have complied with those provisions.
C. With the agreement of the staff of the Commission, Respondents may submit one compliance report to the Commission, at sixty (60) day intervals, including the information required by Paragraphs VI.A. and VI.B. of the Hold Separate Order, and Paragraph IX. of the Decision and Order, which will, if it includes all required information, be considered a timely filing of each of the compliance reports required by these provisions.


IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that for the purposes of determining or securing compliance with this Hold Separate Order, and subject to any legally recognized privilege, upon written request and on reasonable notice to Respondents made to its principal office, Respondents shall permit any duly authorized representatives of the Commission:

A. During office hours and in the presence of counsel, access to all facilities and access to inspect and copy all books, ledgers, accounts, correspondence, memoranda and other records and documents in the possession or under the control of Respondents relating to any matters contained in this Hold Separate Order; and
B. Upon five business days' notice to Respondents and without restraint or interference from Respondents, to interview officers or employees of Respondents who may have counsel present, regarding such matters.

By the Commission, Chairman Muris recused.

Donald S. Clark

Issued: September 7, 2001
