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Practical information for human resources and administrative professionals about protecting personal data in your company's possession, spotting B2B fraud, responding to identity theft, complying with the Fair Credit Reporting Act in the employment process – and more.

Plain Language Guidance

If employers use background checks in making personnel decisions, they must comply with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and laws that protect people from discrimination. The FTC and EEOC have tips for businesses on the lawful use of background information.

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This guide addresses the steps to take once a breach has occurred. For advice on implementing a plan to protect consumers’ personal information and prevent breaches and unauthorized access, check out the FTC's Protecting Personal Information: A Guide for BusinessÌý²¹²Ô»å Start with Security.

Does your company keep sensitive data — Social Security numbers, credit reports, account numbers, health records, or business secrets? If so, then you’ve probably instituted safeguards to protect that information. Your information security plans also should cover the digital copiers your company uses. If the data on your copiers gets into the wrong hands, it could lead to fraud and identity theft.

Explains how medical identity theft occurs, and how health care providers and insurers can minimize the risk and help their patients if they’re victimized.

Online charitable giving portals must ensure that their efforts to provide more giving options do not inadvertently create donor confusion or violate advertising law principles. Here’s some guidance on how to do that.

Most businesses collect and store sensitive information about their employees and customers. If you use Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing software in your business, consider the security implications and minimize the risks associated with it.

Los portales de donaciones caritativas en línea deben tomar las medidas necesarias para garantizar que sus esfuerzos para brindar más opciones para hacer contribuciones no creen confusión inadvertidamente entre los donantes ni infrinjan los principios legales de la publicidad. A continuación algunas pautas de orientación para cumplir estos objetivos.

Como líder de negocios dentro de su comunidad, es posible que le pidan que apoye a organizaciones de caridad locales o nacionales. Establezca una norma en su negocio para que todo aquel que le pida ayuda para recaudar fondos le entregue información básica sobre la organización de caridad y el recaudador. Puede usar este formulario de solicitud de organizaciones de caridad.

Ten practical lessons businesses can learn from the FTC's 50+ data security settlements.

As a business leader in your community, you may be asked to support local or national charities. Supporting a charity can be a great thing to do, but before you give your time, money, or your business’s name, make sure the request isn’t a scam. Make it a policy to get anyone asking for fundraising help to give you basic information about the charity and the fundraiser. You can use this Charity Request Form.Ìý

When you use consumer reports to make employment decisions like hiring, promotion, reassignment, and retention, the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires you to take important compliance steps. Find out more about keeping your company within the law.

If your company is in the business of compiling background information for employment purposes, it’s likely you’re covered by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Are you following reasonable procedures to assure accuracy, getting required certifications from your clients, and complying with other FCRA provisions?